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Buget-wise and Easy-to-install Substitution for Flourescent Lamps


LED Tubes are especially made for every site where compact linear tubes (flourescent bulbs) are employed – production sites, storage rooms, shops and offices illumination.


LED Tubes are meant to be a good substitution for the linear flourescent bulbs. The main advantage is up to 60% enery and maintanace cost saving. The LED Tubes installation is very simple – just to repalce the old used tube by a new LED Tubes – and you start to save from this moment on. Each model is designed to work with or without the original electronic device. It is possible to connect our LED Tubes in any common way – it is not necessary to manipulate with the electric connections in the light body.


A strict criteria have been applied on compounds withdrawal and out LED Tubes have passed through a long development. There are two diffusor types to choose – transparent and dimmable – both are gentle to people´s eyes while 88% of emmited light passes through. LED chips mady by Taiwan company Epistar, a world class producer. The main LED Tubes weakness is the power supply  – an electronic driver. In order to aviod these complications the capacitor made by Rubycon, a Japanese first-class company, is involved in our LED Tubes.

This is the reason why we can provide the 3-5 years warranty.

Illumination intenstity

Illumination intensity is a very important fact when choosing the right LED Tubes type. We allways create the solution especially for every single customer. High-quality LED chips with high light flux compared with the common chips are involved in our LED Tubes.


LED Tubes provide up to 60% energy and cost saving comparing the common linear tubes – flourescent lamps. Besides energy saving there is also a significant maintanance cost reduction. You can save a lot on tube replacement depending on the premises type and way of tube use. Saving on air-conditioning costs is just an extra benefit.



We will develop a tailor-made solution for you

We price each project according to the needs of your space. Let our specialists prepare a price calculation for you.

Michal Chochlรญk

commercial and technical representative
(+421) 904 404 016
(+421) 32 286 14 84